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Preserving and Promoting the Heritage Sites of the Fullersburg Historic District



Liz Heinecke, author of Radiant about Loie Fuller's  friendship with Marie Curie, donated her memorabilia related to Loie to Fullersburg Historic Foundation when she stopped in Hinsdale, Il. on her book tour. Photos of the Items in  the collection are  in the  PDF file (below), including the souvenir postcard of Loie's performance at the Paris cabaret hall Folies Bergere (left) and her autograph on a notecard dated 6/29/1904 (right).  Loie writes on the card, 
"Come what may Time and the hour runs Through the roughest day 
(+ the others too)" Loie was in Montevedro at the time.  See Loie Fuller  section of this website (above) and Sources section for two articles also part of the Liz Heinecke collection.





(From left) Kathy Fuller, Lynnette Ruiz, Don Fuller and Richard Allison admire a collection of original photos, letters, and

documents relating to Loie Fuller (1862-1928), who became the most famous dancer in the world. Liz Heinecke, author of Radiant, donated these items on her visit to the Hinsdale Library in July, 2022, where she spoke about her book, which tells the story of Loie's unique friendship with scientist Mdm. Marie Curie, whose studies of light and radiation intrigued Loie for the purposes of her costume and stage design. Loie's innovative stage effects are acknowledged to this day by performers such as Taylor Swift, who has noted Loie's many contributions. To learn more, visit the "Loie Fuller" section on this website, above. 


Jacob Fuller's Ancestors, 4 x Removed 


FHF's Presentation to Glen Ellyn Reliquarians


On 10/16/24, Don Fuller, the great, great grandson of Ben Fuller (founder of Fullersburg) met Tim Clarke, his first cousin 4 times removed, at the Historic District of Fullersburg. Tim is the great, great grandson of Catherine Fuller, Ben's sister, who married David Thurston, another early settler of the area. Don and Tim visited the Ben Fuller House and Graue Mill, where they observed corn being ground before touring the Historic Fullersburg Cemetery. As the old saying went, "People of Fullersburg were either a Fuller or married to one!" Who else is out there? Send us a message through this site's page (below).


The Glen Ellen Reliquarians invited FHF to the beautiful Glen Ellyn History Center on 11/20/24 to give a presentation about the Native American history of DuPage County. On 11/20/24, Director Sue Devick shared with the group the foundation's research, which centered around the Potawatomi and 19th century events, when a great deal of change occurred due to the 1833 Treaty of Chicago. FHF acknowledges the tremendous legacy and the heritage of the American Indians who occupied this area before the Settlement Era. Thanks for your warm hospitality, Glen Ellyn!

Fullersburg Historic Foundation Rocks Fourth of July Parade in Hinsdale


Following tradition, members of  the extended Fuller family and the Fullesburg Historic Foundation show their patriotism at the 4th of July parade through Hinsdale, Il. Civil War veteran Morell Fuller, brother of Ben Fuller (founder of Fullersburg), used to dress in his Union Army uniform and beat his drum faster and faster at the corner of Ogden and York Rd. on Independence Day, and nothing could distract him--not even a relative blasting a shotgun over his head from a nearby tree! 

During Fullersburg's Settlement Era, people often said that residents of the village were either a Fuller or married to one! On Memorial Day 2024, many members of today's large Fuller family showed their patriotism at the flag-changing ceremony at peaceful Historic Fullersburg Cemetery, where 18 veterans are laid to rest. (See photo, right.) Don Fuller, the great, great grandson of Benjamin Fuller (founder of Fullersburg), read the names of these veterans and spoke about the strength of the early pioneers who settled in the area. This peaceful and scenic site is located at the north end of Garfield between Fuller Road and Maumell Street in Hinsdale, and it is maintained by Don and Kathy Fuller, for which we are very grateful.

Memorial Day Flag-changing Ceremony at Historic Fullersburg Cemetery


     Please send check made out to
     Fullersburg Historic Foundation to:

      550 N. Oak
      Hinsdale, Il. 60521



Why donate to Fullersburg Historic Foundation? Did you know that twelve Civil War veterans are laid to rest at Historic Fullersburg Cemetery? Help us to preserve their legacy by making a donation!

Donations will be used to help cover the administration expenses of the foundation. The mission statement of our organization is summarized in the headline at the top of this page, and the activities shown throughout this website demonstrate our dedication to this effect. We want to preserve and promote the important history that happened in and around Fullersburg!


Fullersburg Historic Foundation is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization; your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim your donation as a tax deduction on your taxes, please keep your receipt. Upon the successful completion of your donation, a receipt will be emailed to you. (No goods were exchanged or services rendered for the donation unless otherwise noted.)  Thank you for your generosity!

Famous Dancer Loie Fuller's Fire Dance

Loie Fuller was once the most famous dancer in the world and a leader of the Art Nouveau Movement. She was born in Fullersburg in 1862 and made an explosive debut as a modern dancer in Paris in 1892. She also was known for her costumes, lighting, and stage design. She lived in France all of her adult life, and had a highly diverse circle of friends. See "Loie Fuller" Section on this website.

Loie Fuller's Fire Dance:


Choreographed by Loie Fuller


Reconstructed by Jessica Lindberg Coxe and


Megan Slayter, Professor of Dance

Western Michigan University and

Advisor, Fullersburg Historic Foundation 

A remarkable video of Loie's choreographed dance Lily of the Nile can be viewed in the "Loie Fuller"

section of this website; see index at top of page. To learn about Loie's deeply human qualities, visit blog entitled The Deeply Human Side of Loie Fuller (1862-1928) in the blog section of this website. Did you know that Time Magazine's 2023 Person of the Year Taylor Swift pays tribute to Loie's many contributions?

Who are our Fullersburg veterans, and how did they serve the country?


 Civil War                                      World War I


Charles Curtis                                  Irwin Christianson

Samuel Coe                                     William Dierks

Menzo Coffin                                   Wendell Jackson 

Harvey Cooper                                Orin Peterson

Heman Fox

Morell Fuller                                    Korean War

Charles Hess                                    

Augustus Lincoln                            David Reilly

Stephen Mills                                  

Malcom Palmer                               World War II      

Walter Van Velzer

John Andre (Conf.)                          Mahlon Miller   





Memorial Day, 2023

At right, Fullersburg Historic Foundation President Don Fuller and Director Kathy Fuller hosted another patriotic and moving Memorial Day Flag Changing Ceremony on 5/29/23 with approximately 70 visitors participating. The names of the veterans who are laid to rest at the peaceful Historic Fullersburg Cemetery were read as the flag was changed.  A historical review of the Settlement Era and the history of the Potawatomi who lived in this area was given by Don Fuller and FHF Director Sue Devick.  (See "Events" section.)


Don and Kathy Fuller at beautiful Historic
Fullersburg Cemetery on 5/29/23.

Don Fuller, great-great grandson of Benjamin Fuller (founder of Fullersburg), tells the history of this area.

Don Fuller reads the names of veterans while his sons Tyler and Michael change the flag on Memorial Day 2022 (5/30/22).


Thank you, Clarendon Hills Historical Society!
    We were very honored to be your guest!


Note (in articles above) that secret tunnels beneath Fullersburg structures were part of the Underground Railroad. Important roles were played by local citizens, including Frederick Graue, the Fox Brothers, and John and Harriet Coe (sister of Benjamin Fuller), who assisted fugitive slaves on their journey to freedom. The basement of Graue Mill (left) also was a "stop" in this secretive transportation system, which was active here from approximately 1850-1865.


Author Liz Heinecke presented Don Fuller with a signed copy of her highly acclaimed book Radiant at the Hinsdale Library on 6/28/22 (see photo, left). Ms. Heinecke led a literary and historic discussion about the strong friendship between Nobel prize winning scientist Marie Curie and world-famous dancer Loie Fuller, who was born at the Castle Inn in Fullersburg in 1862. Both women impacted early twentieth-century history; Marie's research with radiation led to life-saving discoveries as well as radiation illness, and Loie's innovative use of light in her elaborate costumes and choreography were an inspirational force in the Art Nouveau Movement. Ms. Heinecke generously donated several artifacts related to Loie Fuller to the Fullersburg Historic Foundation. Don Fuller, president of the foundation, expressed his deep gratitude to Ms. Heinecke, as both Loie and Don are descendants of Benjamin Fuller, the founder of Fullersburg. Find out more about Liz Heinecke's research about Loie at: can be obtained through bookstores or online. 

Why aren't all  Native American burial sites in DuPage County (Il,) recognized and appreciated?


Fullersburg (Sauganakka) is the largest of four former Potawatomi villages in DuPage County, and its Native American burial mounds are documented in numerous archeological and historical sources that consistently authenticate their existence. This legacy of our past offers a fuller and richer understanding of our identity, which Fullersburg Historic Foundation recognizes.
Note: While the widely known Scharf Map (inset, above) recognizes burial mounds in both Fullersburg and Glen Ellyn, another historic map of DuPage County also notes Bonaparte (Lisle) as having at least one mound.  Mounds at Winfield have been restored, as well.

Foundation Gives Historical Presentation at Graue Mill Tent 


Fullersburg Historic Foundation President Don Fuller and Director Sue Devick spoke on 6/5/22 at historic Graue Mill about the Potawatomi village of Sauganakka, the Native American burial mounds in the area, the Black Hawk War, and the changes brought by the Settlement Era. Photos courtesy of Bruce Nudd (right). Click the icon for presentation outline. Note: THIS PRESENTATION ALSO DETAILS SOME OF THE VARIATIONS IN THE HISTORICAL INFORMATION DOCUMENTING THE NATIVE AMERICAN BURIAL MOUMD LOCATIONS IN FULLERSBURG!

photo of presentaton IMG_5313.jpg

See slide show presentation about the Native Americans and the Settlement Era in DuPage County by clicking on icon, right.

Benjamin Fuller forged a friendly relationship with the local Potawatomi, and he showed them how to shoe their horses. Although Native Americans who lived in this area did not have a written language, there is evidence of their presence here. The first Fuller homesite was built near a "chipping station," where indigenous people made their tools and weapons.


Burial sites are also documented in the Fullersburg area. "For as long as I can remember the people of Fullersburg were particularly fascinated by the two circular mounds about eight feet high and fifteen feet in diameter which were said to mark the burial site of tribal chiefs. The area, known as the wiccibottom, is now the forest preserve parking lot... Remaining, perhaps are archeological sites, yet to be explored." (George Ruchty, Ben Fuller descendant)


"The old dam was 2 feet higher than it is today. The Indian mounds are still there. We could have picked up bushels of Indian arrow heads at this place and all around it." (George Kolzow, former Fullersburg caretaker)

FHF Research Regarding Underground Railroad

Executive Board of Fullersburg Historic Foundation 

Don Fuller is the great, great grandson of Benjamin Fuller, the founder of Fullersburg. Don is also the president of the Fullersburg Historic Foundation. "The mission of the foundation, working in partnership with the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, is to raise funds to restore the Ben Fuller Farmhouse and develop educational programs and exhibits.  We continue to promote and support the preservation of the Fullersburg Historic District and its heritage sites."  


President - Don Fuller

Vice President - Patrice Macken

Secretary - Patrice Macken

Treasurer- Lynnette Ruiz


John Baar

Robert Crane

Susan Devick, editor

Kathleen Fuller

Marci Hanzlik​

Kathleen Sievertsen

Susan Yochim



Richard Allison

Mike Dutka

Charles Hartley

Megan Slayter

Matt Stockmal

Sheila Susman-Scheftner




Thank you to our partners that help make the preservation of these historic sites possible.





Fullersburg Historic Foundation

550 N. Oak

Hinsdale, Il. 50521

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